You might be saying right now, “Who in the ministry and in their right mind would begin a blog during the Advent season??”
Ahem… *raises hand slowly*
Welcome to my little corner of the pastor’s wife life. And what better time to invite you in than during one of the busiest times of the year for a pastor’s family?
Let’s just consider this a bit of me time. A break from the chaos.
I love decorating my home. And every year, I seem to do things a bit differently, and usually add more to the bins of decorations we store in the garage. Much to the chagrin of my husband… This year, I just didn’t have the time or energy to put everything up, including the outdoor tree, what with a very busy little guy crawling around, but everything still looks beautiful and festive.

And this is how it looks this year… Hahaha Our dining room table and china cabinet
I added some LED colored lights to our family room tree this year. Judah found a favorite ornament
Now that the decorating is as finished as it’s going to get, the Sunday School Christmas program is over, the present wrapping is mostly finished, and there’s only one more midweek Advent service left, it’s time to focus on preparing the house for out of town family – a first for us for Christmas. A grandchild’s first Christmas will do that. and deciding on menus and desserts.
(Oh and a visit to Santa. Because doesn’t every baby need a picture with Santa on his first Christmas? Eric is hoping for a funny screaming picture…)
Anyway… Once upon a time, I used to bake A LOT for Christmas. These last few years, our celebrations have been much smaller so there just hasn’t been a need for a plethora of desserts. I have to say I’m pretty excited to make a fancy dessert for Christmas dinner!
Advent Means More
Advent brings us more. More work. More stress. More activity. More anxiety. But then… More worship services. More opportunities to spend time with family and friends (who, let’s face it, are often more of a family than blood relatives…). More beautiful music and decorations.

As we wait for the Savior’s return by celebrating His birth, we have the opportunity to reflect upon ourselves and our lives, and to see the joy in the beauty and blessings around us. I count you as part of those blessings.
Have a joyous rest of your Advent season!